17 September 2010


Per chance the odd reader of this humble blog is looking to recruit any gleaming & promising part II assistants in london - I'm your man! Seeing as I'm done with the dissertation and only working on a few digital/video projects that are about to end, I'm looking for a job.

So... In case you're doubtful of my many, many talents, check out ben.si/architecture, where I'm sure you'll see I can handle basically anything that is handed my way.

And then, at a leisurely pace, no rush, if you will... hire me!

6 September 2010

Crux of the Fold

edit: This post has since been expanded into its very own blog - visit Crux of the fold, the blog

Yay, I have finished my architectural dissertation. And it is called (drum roll, please) Crux of the Fold. It is basically all about what architecture is becoming, what is bringing this change about, and some other things as well.. In other words:

In this dissertation we are going to explore the identity of contemporary architecture. As most everything regarding architecture is beginning to be conducted in a virtual digital environment, the result is more than a change of tools, but a different architecture altogether. This is to be done through a series of observations focusing on key aspects of emerging architecture’s many facets.

To appropriately explore the character of this new architecture, the nature of virtual is explored, as is the identity of digital. The aim is to discover what this architecture is all about and where the current stream of exploration is leading. And most importantly, what is on the other side of cutting edge.

And in its entirety:
Benjamin Rancic: Crux of the Fold
London Metropolitan University: MA Architecture History, Theory and Interpretation - Final Thesis